About Me

Location: Some place different every time I close my eyes
I am a full time mother and military spouse. In my spare time I moonlight an a Personal Chef. I enjoy cooking, baking, and entertaining. My home has been dubbed as the "fun" house for my girlfriends. My hubby and I have been married for 11.96 years. He is my best friend and biggest supporter. As you will see in the coming months, I have two very spirited and strong-willed daughters. So, sit back relax and enjoy laughing at my expense!

The definition of a stay-at-home mom

Cook, plumber, accountant, secretary, nurse, therapist, maid, hairdresser, "THE GLUE THAT HOLDS IT TOGETHER", etc.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Where to begin?

It has been awhile since I have posted anything. I hope that everyone has a blessed holiday season. The holidays are a crazy time of year.  For some reason, it seems as though that is when people want to act up. I have had so many highs and lows with in the last 2 months that I do not know whether I am coming or going.  I guess tonight I will discuss knowing one's self-worth.

In many homes there are women who feel that they are taken for granted and unappreciated. The sad fact is that family can hurt you the most by not knowing that value of things that you do on a daily basis. Luckily, I was blessed with a husband that pulls an equal amount of weight in the family (if not more depending on my mood). I think that many spouses (male) feel that as along as they bring home the money they are not obligated to contribute in any other way. It is up to you as a person to let them know that this is not the case. Finances are only one of the issues that couples have to deal with. Sometimes just bringing home the money is the easy part. The disbursement of the money is a whole different story. Just doing the bills can feel like a full day at work. If you have ever been short it is even more stressful. As women I think that we were born with the gift of manipulation. It may sound mean but it is true and that is why many of us handle the money in the home. There have been times where we may have had more bills that money. Through my husband's eyes it was a problem, but for me it was just chance for me to use my womanly creativity skills. My motto is if nothing is pulled or turned off, I have done well.

Trust me I am not saying that struggling should be an everyday issue in life. I just feel like it builds character. Sometimes you have rob Peter to pay Paul! Now back to my original topic.

Along with handling the finances, there are a thousand other things that are going on. I feel that the key to being a good wife is the ability to multitask mentally and physically, especially if you are a military spouse. I know for a fact that I can carry at least 5 bags of groceries in one hand an infant on the opposite hip and keep my third eye on a toddler while walking through a busy parking lot, without missing a beat.       I guess the point that I am trying to make is that you should not think of yourself as just a  housewife/homemaker. Take pride in everything that you do for your family and you do not have go at it alone.

"A strong woman understands that the gifts such as logic, decisiveness, and  strength are   just as feminine as intuition and emotional connection. She values and uses all of her gifts."
Nancy Rathburn

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